Skill Augmentations

Now that we have covered races and classes in some degree, I saw it fitting that some speculations could be had.

It was mentioned on the Ashes of Creation stream 8th of May, that races would include skill augmentations altering your abilities, and not only varying stats.

For example stat wise dwarves might have more stats on defence, being stout and all, maybe having less stats on evasiveness, orcs might have more attack stats and lower mana pool. Now I don’t know all the stats in the game, but they can vary quiet a bit between races I have no doubt, being different in multiple stats and not only two as i suggested.

But something to also consider before you choose are race is the augmentations that the race will give your abilities.


Intrepid Studios have been giving the example “if you are a fighter with a rush ability, running towards your target dealing damage and a possible status effect upon reaching your destination, choosing mage as secondary class you could possibly add a teleportation augment to your rush eliminating the travel time, distance and any chance of being crowd controlled on your way there.”

So speculations, please mention yours in the comments below!

Will there be different types of elemental damage? If so would choosing elf possibly add nature damage to your skills? Maybe not the Empyrean elves, they don’t seem to have that connection to nature, what could possibly be their type of elemental damage?

The augments granted from race will probably not be a change of damage type. I believe it to be more likely that it alters your abilities in some way that enhances the gameplay feel for your character. Let’s say a backstab move for rogues, while most races will use a dagger, a dwarf might use a blunderbuss, maybe with a chance to scatter onto nearby enemies, not that I know if these type of guns will exist in the game, just an example.

Another example could be a tank or fighter with maybe a “get over here!” ability, now for the Py’Rai elves that could be a thorn like ability dragging them towards you possibly rooting them, for humans it could maybe be some kind of chain, for orcs a harpoon? Speculations can be very many, these are a few of mine, what are yours?

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